Monday, January 27, 2020

Practical Ways Of Promoting Resilience Young People Essay

Practical Ways Of Promoting Resilience Young People Essay Resilience as described by many writers is a complex term and therefore needs to be understood in the context. Resilience is normally sought in the child, family and community (Phillips, G. 2008). As professionals, attending training courses helps us to seek something that may assist us in our understanding of those areas. This keeps us in seeking mood and all the time, we tend to keep attention outside ourselves. When we as practitioners recognise resilience in ourselves, we can them be able to facilitate resiliency, thereby linking theory to practice (Phillips, G. (2008). DEFINING RESILIENCE There are many definitions of resilience by different authors. In this context therefore, resilience is defined by Share and Lowlor (2009: 269) as ability to thrive, mature and increase competences in the face of adverse circumstances. Overall, when loved ones absence or presence remains a mystery, meaning and purpose are essential to finding the health and life. After 9/11, some survivors believed that their loved ones being in the Twin Towers at the time of the attack was predestined or Gods will. Many who believed this continue to trust in God to see them through their travels while they move forward with their lives (Boss, P 2006:97). Some characteristics associated with resilient children include cognitive proficiency (especially intellectual curiosity and problem solving), autonomy, good social skills and internal locus of control (Share and Lowlor (2009: 269). Resilience is the capacity to transcend adversity may be seen as the essential quality with care planning and provision should seek to stimulate as a key outcome of the care offered (Gilligan, R. 1997: 14) It is suppressing how resilient people are despite having experienced high risk situation, such as war, disaster, loss, and adversity during childhood and adolescence (Waaktaar, T. Chrisrtie, H, J. Borge, A. Torgersen, S. 2004: 164). Adult who promote resilience make family and institutional supports available to children. They empower children to become independent, responsible, and empathic at altruistic and to approach people and situation with hope, faith and trust (John, M. 1997: 24). However, adults can help children identify resilience behaviours more easily in themselves and others, such as using vocabulary to reinforce these feeling and beliefs that promote resilience and to guide their own childrens behaviour. Therefore, the greater their opinion for acting in the ways that help children met situation such as crisis in their lives with greater strength and hope John, M 1997: 26). Therefore, the most critical key to resiliency is the ability to hold two opposing ideas at the same time. Whatever part is taken, the search for the meaning is much more difficult when the loss is unclear (Boss, P. 2006: 97). THREE THEORIES OF RESILIENCE (1) The Childs Sense of a Secure Base : The growth of a child is influenced by secure attachments which supply him/her with a reliable secure base (Bowlby 1988). Furthermore, it encourages and renders safe exploration of the childs inner world. A young persons sense of secure base therefore is cultivated by a sense of belonging within supportive social networks, attachment relationships to reliable and responsible people and by routine and structures in their lives (Gilligan, R. 1997: 15-16). However, I HAVE factors is one of the external supports and resources that promote resilience in children according to John, M. (1997: 26-27). I HAVE factors includes: trusting relationships, (parents, other family members, teachers, and friends who love and have the interest and welfare of the child), structures and rules at home, (parents who provides rules and routine expects the child to follow them, for example, the task the child is expected to perform, when the rule is broken, the child is helped to understand what he/she did wrong). Others includes: access to health, education, welfare and security services which is available to the child. (2) The Childs Self Esteem: this is based on persons sense of their own worthiness and competences. Rutter (1990) came up with two types of experience which is important in influencing self esteem in young children and they are, secure and harmonious love relationship, and success in accomplishing tasks by others as central to their interests. Also success in an endeavour which the person values may do much to combat a sense of failure in other spheres of ones life (Rutter, 1990 cited Gilligan, R. 1997:17). Therefore, factors such as I AM are the childs internal and personal strengths. These are feelings, attitudes, and beliefs within the child, for example, a resilient child would say: I am proud of myself: this means the child knows that he/she is an important individual and is proud of who he/she is and what he/she is capable of doing and can achieve. I am autonomous and responsible: the child can do a lot with his/her initiative and be responsible and accountable for his/her acti ons or mistakes. I am filled with hope, faith, and trust: the child knows and believes that he/she has hope and there are people and institution which he/she can trust and have faith in. Finally, the child will realise that he/she is loveable and his/her temperament is appealing, he/she is loving, empathic and altruistic (John, M. 1997: 28). (3) Sense of Self Efficacy: this is a situation were parenting style influences whether a child acquires a sense of internal control with regards to attaining desired outcomes. Some factors which promote childs self efficacy includes the parent / caregiver beliefs in the childs own sense of control, responsiveness, consistency, warmth, praise, support and encouragement to the childs to engage / participate in his/her environment (Sandler et al, 1989 cited Gilligan, R. 1997: 17). Moreover, I CAN factor helps to promote the childs sense of efficacy because; it is the childs social and interpersonal skills. Children acquire these skills by constant interaction with others and those who educate them, for example, a resilient child would say: I can communicate: at this stage, the child expresses thoughts and feelings, also be empathetic towards others. I can solve problem: the child can assess a situation of a problem, finds out what needs to be done to resolve the issues and if help is needed form others. Also I can manage my feelings and impulses; I can gauge the temperature of myself and others, and finally seek trusting relationship (John, M. 1997: 29). PRACTICAL WAYS OF PROMOTING RESILIENCE In promoting resilience, any work with children must be similarly in the contexts of their families, school, communities, and the large society (Grotherg, E, H. 2003: 5) Therefore, as a social care practitioner, it is important to know that we are only able to influence that portion of resilience that is amenable to influence through social experience. We cannot affect the degree of resilience that a person has temperamentally due to what they have inherited through their genes (Gilligan, R 2001: 6). As a Social Worker, we can encourage purposeful contact between the child, the family, and other key adults for the childs past, encourage positive school experience, encourage friendships with peers, actively foster interest, strong social network, involvement and talents in sports, music, hobbies or cultural pursuits, help the child to rehearse, and discuss problem solving and coping skills and strategies. Also, each of these I AM, I HAVE, and I CAN factors suggest numerous actions children, parent / caregiver, and practitioner can take to promote resilience (Gilligan, R. 1997: 18-21) This Scenario was adopted from the International Resilience Project by Grotberg, E, H. (2003: 30) A nine year old boy went out of the house even after his father told him not to go out. The father did not know about this until he realized it was late and the boy was not at home. You will promote resilience if you talk to him when he returns and ask why he broke the rules (I HAVE); if you make clear that his behaviour is not acceptable even with his excuses, and that he is responsible for what he did (I AM); and if you talk with him about what needs to be done to prevent this kind of behaviour in the future (I CAN). He will learn from his experience to use resilience to face this adversity, to learn from it, and to behave in a more responsible way in the future. You do not promote resilience if you yell at him or spank him when he comes home, and accuse him of being a bad boy. Then you make him feel guilty, but resentful, and you have given him a label of bad boy, which will influence his idea of himself in the future. He will have difficulty dealing with a future adverse situation, even one that he creates, because he lacks resilience and none is being promoted.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Beauty in Nature Essay

The world has come to a point where there is no turning back; where we can’t undo what is already done. We have forgotten the importance of the use of natural resources we need to survive. We have also forgotten our responsibility to the world, so that it can remain healthy and alive. I fear if we continue polluting our environment and not help it improve itself, we are going to have nothing towards the end. The world needs a better place for everyone to enjoy, no matter what living situation you are in. Everything relates to one another, water, air, energy, sun light, humans, and specially animals; we are all useful to one another. However, I believe that it is possible for us to improve our living situation, and make our world healthier to live in. It is not impossible to do, but if everyone is willing to work together and start making changes there will be a positive effect towards the world. We live and breathe toxic and factory pollution in our everyday lives without even realizing the damage that we have caused. Every year the atmosphere thickens with air pollution and lakes are becoming more toxic with the waste that we dump. Not realizing what we have done to the world and what we are taking advantage of, should be the red flag for us, telling us that we need to change our living situations now. However, being asked to cut down on some of our resources that we use in our everyday life would be difficult to do because some wouldn’t know how to survive without them. We need the supplies that we are used to because it is what we know and what we are used too. On the other hand, what is the harm on trying something new; taking shorter showers, picking up trash that is around you in public areas, buying recyclable pencils, or plastic bottles? Humans are not the only ones who live on the world; animals are very much involved too. Animals need to feel safe; they need a home to live in, and cutting down trees destroying their homes are not the ans wers. Animals suffer every day to find a home. For example Polar bears are going extinct because there is it too much heat in the atmosphere, heat is beginning to melt off the remaining ice that is left for them. Forest animals are being forced to live in different habitats because trees are being cut down for shelter and living supplies for the humans. If the world  continues to cut down trees and make more land for people to live on, there are going to be no trees left. Animals are defenseless against humans; they don’t have a voice as humans do. Someone needs to speak up for the animals, and protect their homes. Nature can be seen as a beautiful thing, yet we are killing off those beautiful things in the world. We do not do it intentionally, but we are killing off our natural resources just by living our daily lives. We are killing off our trees, so we can have paper and money so we can spend more on paper, houses, and fire. When one tree falls, another should be planted. This can help and we wouldn’t run out of trees. Cows, chicken, pigs, animals are getting killed off so we can have food on our plate, and have clothes on our backs so we won’t freeze during the winter nights. Even though we need nature to survive there is always a negative effect using it. There are many ways that we can improve our world. Although it might be difficult to fix the damage that was already caused there is still hope for improvement. If we start off small and work ourselves to the top improving the environment would become easier each year. We should turn off the lights after exiting the room, and install sensor lights in every house making sure that energy is not being wasted. We can cut back on our water supply when we are in the shower or washing the dishes and watering the grass, by setting a timer on when to stop. We can create new technologies, so we are able to manage the amount of smoke that comes out in factories. We can also help the environment by getting others to join beach cleanups. Having more people picking up trash can help in many ways. Cleaning up the beach made me think about the other things that can help this world to survive a bit longer. It is not impossible to do because humans are the main source; we are the ones that need little something from everything and from everyone. It is not hard to pick up unwanted trash around you at the park or the streets, it is rare when people do that but little things like that can change a lot. Picking up a broken glass from the beach might have saved someone’s foot from running into it; picking up the burned rubber from the fire pit might have saved a bird from shocking to death. One thing leads to another, everything matters in life weather if it is the smallest thing in the world. Picking up trash in the beach made it look cleaner and made it look like a beach that people would enjoy going to. Going to the beach has encouraged me to go back and enjoy  the sound the waves do when they hit the surface. The beach clean was a fun experience to have because it can make you love nature even more by the smell or the sound that it makes. One can enjoy the view of the dolphins when they pass by in little groups, going up and down as if they are saying hi and goodbye each time their head pops out. Protecting and enjoying the beach is important because it is something that was created for us to enjoy the fresh air, and ignore the ugly in the world. In conclusion, if we make small changes now in the way we live, we can avoid huge changes in the future. Scientists, governments and individuals must work together to overcome this threat. Keeping the environment clean and healthy can save many lives infants, teens, and the elderly. Cleaning earth and making it a better place is not in overnight process, it will probably take years to fix, but it is possible.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Coping with a wafler

Dealing with People that Make Your Life Difficult Principles of supervision week 4 Individual work 2 Abstract This paper will discuss the waffled employee and how does It compare to a hasty person. The term â€Å"waffled† generally refers to an individual who has a tough time making and sticking to decisions. Introduction A waffled is a person that stalls and changes his or her mind often. Most of the time, a â€Å"waffled† means well but fears making the wrong decision. I honestly don't see anything wrong with a person not wanting to make the wrong decision.Just be mindful of the consequences. Waffled Like most of us, a when faced with a situation, a wafer will weigh in on the pros and cons. The only negative aspect to a wafer is that his or her stalling in a fast-paced environment can be seen as a problem. The best possible way to connect with a waffled Is to develop a professional relationship, one close enough to show her she Is welcomed or liked. The key goal to co ping with a waffled is make the Individual feel accepted, a part of the team. Making a suggestion like going to lunch or how was your keen, helps out a lot when faced with a waffled.It's best that when dealing with a waffled to always provide feedback, whether good back and let the individual know you are here to help. Waffled vs. hasty person I think a waffled will focus on fitting In versus a hasty person who doesn't care to fit In. A hasty person may often display a nasty demeanor toward others for no reason at all. They could be having a bad day and they will blame you for it. A waffled is usually a pleasant individual. I have a co-worker on my job, who upon completion of this assignment, reminds me of a wafer.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Affordable Housing for Low Income Families Essay - 582 Words

Affordable Housing for Low Income Families For those of us with warm roofs over our heads and groceries on the table the problem of affordable housing does not often surface. But for low-income families, where half the income can disappear simply trying to keep the family sheltered in an acceptable home, the problem is a daily one. President of the BRIDGE Housing Corporation Donald Terner and columnist Brad Terner argue that affordable housing is a problem that should involve everyone. From your local supermarket clerk to your child’s science teacher, the problem of affordable housing can affect us all. Terner presents the beginning of a solution to the affordable housing problem in his article Affordable Housing: An Impossible†¦show more content†¦Inman focuses on the contrast between wealthy home buyers and average home buyers to motivate the public to act. Though no specific action is suggested as in Terner’s article, Inman’s argument inspires action because the implications of not having affordable housing are so clearly laid out. In addition to spouting out the statistic that 33% of the average income goes towards a house, Inman spells out the situation by concluding, â€Å"†¦for everyone [not rich], a basic house can be a serious economic drain.† (Inman, p. 7) Inman values proportional equality for American citizens as he points out the ludicrous gap between rich and not-rich home purchases. The way I see it, the amount one spends on a home is already proportional to what one earns. Inman argues in favor of equality between rich and not-rich families, but I believe this opposes the American Dream of earning your fortune and home. Inman bases his argument around the envy the average American might feel upon hearing that some people can afford a three-room library in their home. But how often will you really find such a three-room library? Inman’s is an unrealistic comparison. Of course there are a few filthy rich individuals who can afford to buy and trade houses â€Å"like the rest of us buy shoes and socks.† (Inman, p. 7) This, however, is a biased simile on Inman’s part because I seriously doubtShow MoreRelatedThe True Cost Of Living1014 Words   |  5 PagesCost of Living Affordable Housing is a subject that every federal, state, and policy maker has to address. With high homelessness rates, there has to be ways to provide affordable housing to those in need ( A family must have acceptable housing options to have a positive quality of life. 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